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Thursday 4 June 2015

Being a foster mom to rescue dogs

My life as a foster mom started shortly after I adopted my very first rescue dog from this amazing organisation. (roughly over a year ago now)
After days (and months!) of begging my parents to allow me to foster they finally said YES!

Our first foster was with us for a few short months - and we almost had foster failure! which is when a foster mom adopts the doggy that they have been fostering, luckily the gorgeous girl named Zara got a home before we could have foster failure. (But secretly one day i am sure i will have a foster failure!)

What Fostering entails is that you are able to show love and open your home and heart to a rescue dog, for a certain amount of time (until their forever family comes along), who without you, would sadly have to wait in kennels for their forever home.

As I have been asked many times before about how am i able to do this, i am sure every foster mom will agree, It is by no means easy, as you can imagine the heartache when the dog has to leave your home and go off to their new forever homes, but it is the love for the dog and the love for fostering that makes it easier, I think, for every dog and puppy i have fostered, i have shed some tears when they were gone, however what makes the process amazing is that you are able to meet and see the families who adopt the rescues, and see the love they have for the dog that they would like to adopt and it just seems to warm my heart when i have experienced this, You are also able to see updates of how the dogs and puppies have settled in their new homes with their forever families which makes fostering worth it! Knowing that when one is adopted, i would be able to help another dog in need also makes the process worthwhile. At the end of the day, you are helping to save a life and that means so much to that doggie that you are able to help.

On some occassions I have been lucky enough to visit some of my previous fosters, and just to see how wonderfully they have grown up, really makes me want to foster even more. To think if all foster homes and kennels were full then there wouldn't be space for more rescues who need people like Project Dog, So i hope by writing this blog, that you feel encouraged to open your heart and home to a foster doggy or puppy.

Knowing that you are able to make even a small difference in a rescue dogs life, by fostering, is a reward in itself!

Being able to be a part of the amazing journey, day by day, is amazing and a true blessing.

I have been able to work with many different types of dogs because of fostering, and have been able to learn how to understand them and each one is different, all with their very own personalities.

Project Dog is always in need of foster homes, so if you would like to open your heart and home to a rescue for a period of time until they find a permanent home, please call Quicha on 083 272 7201 or Kim on 083 555 0111. Food and bedding is provided, and all medical costs covered for the doggie that you foster.

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